screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0000_layer-23The Secrets of Astrology

This book, “The Secrets of Astrology” explains the reader, deep secrets of these polarity relationships which exist between cosmic conscious entities and beings whose bodies are these manifested planets, solar systems, and  constellations, which exist in the spherical brahmanda [Universe]. Who trying to harmonize the continuous flow of energies, which keeps the continuation of conscious expansion of the supreme being known as the cosmic fire [Antariksh Agni] who is the “thinker” for this grand experiments spherical existence in time and space through spiral cyclic rotational movement. The spiral aspect is due to the electric dynamic will known as Shiva [Father] aspect, the cycle is due to the Vishnu [Son} aspect and the rotation is due to the mother [Holy Ghost] aspect.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0002_layer-21The Evolutionary Plan

In this Book I will share certain information’s for the reader to meditate upon, as I will highlight the important points, which are related to the cosmic evolutionary plans and purpose of the creator logos, which are being manifested in time and space according to the one and only universal law of “Will to do Good”, which is governed by dark fire [Kaal Agni], and controlled by the “Outfinite Supreme Council” through their quantum energy impulses in the whole Infinite Brahmanda [Universe]. This book will explain in detail to the reader “The illegal Hijacking of the Evolutionary plans and purpose of the creator logos upon Planet Earth”, which took place upon this planet earth since long time ago and is unfortunately still continues even to the present day. The book containing the full knowledge from “A to Z” will help the reader to make One’s own opinion based upon their achieved expansion of consciousness upon this physical plane of planet earth.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0001_layer-22The Radiant Words
of Love & Wisdom

Dear friends, In this new book, I will share certain information’s to meditate upon, which “I may or may not” have shared earlier through my previous posted articles in other books, as I will highlight certain important points related to the cosmic evolutionary plans and purpose being manifested in time and space according to the one and only universal law of “Will to do Good”, which is governed by dark fire [Kaal Agni], and controlled by the “Outfinite Supreme Council” through quantum energy impulses in the whole Infinite Brahmanda [Universe]. This book will give the reader the true knowledge related to our Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], as these Words of wisdom will radiate the Conscious energy of the reader to expand through transmutation and thus liberate Oneself from the material bondage.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0006_layer-6Brahmandic Gyanum
Universal Knowledge

This book called “Brahmandic Gyanum” meaning universal knowledge may provide the reader, the required conscious awareness needed to come to terms with the secret knowledge of universe [Brahmanda], as most evolving humans are stuck in their day to day material lives, which is due to the polarization of their evolving consciousness in the world of glamour through their emotional bodies commonly known as the astral body [Mano may kosha or kama manas].

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0003_layer-3Who are Devas [Angels] and what Happens after Physical Death Vol I

He Who Holds the Keys to the “Mysteries of Death” also Hold the Keys to the “Secrets of Life” When the death of a Human being in the physical plane takes place, then the evolving consciousness of the concerned human being withdraws itself into a state of consciousness which precedes its rebirth back again in the physical world, commonly known as the process of reincarnation.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0005_layer-1Who are Devas [Angels] and what Happens after Physical Death Vol II

He Who Holds the Keys to the “Mysteries of Death” also Hold the Keys to the “Secrets of Life” When the death of a Human being in the physical plane takes place, then the evolving consciousness of the concerned human being withdraws itself into a state of consciousness which precedes its rebirth back again in the physical world, commonly known as the process of reincarnation.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0004_layer-2Who are Devas [Angels] and what Happens after Physical Death Vol III

He Who Holds the Keys to the “Mysteries of Death” also Hold the Keys to the “Secrets of Life” When the death of a Human being in the physical plane takes place, then the evolving consciousness of the concerned human being withdraws itself into a state of consciousness which precedes its rebirth back again in the physical world, commonly known as the process of reincarnation.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0011_layer-7The Codified Mysteries

This book “The codified Mysteries” may provide the reader, the required conscious awareness related to normal looking literary text of ancient stories and the symbolic knowledge embedded in the ancient buildings which is technically the secret knowledge of universe [Brahmanda], which was embedded into these various symbolic structures erected upon planet earth, as our planet earth is the most important planet in our solar system, which is technically the center of our entire evolving universe [Brahmanda] thus existing subjectively and objectively in the Cosmic Vital/Physical plane, if looking at it from the spiritual aspect, and not only from the normal physical aspect like most humans do.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0007_layer-5The Secrets of Cosmic Energy Portals “Nakshatras”

In this Infinite Brahmanda [Universe], there exists certain “Cosmic Energy Portals” known as the “Nakshatra’s”, which as the vortex of energies emanate from them the cosmic energy radiations, which come into manifestation due to the occurring of cosmic consciousness expansion also known as the transmutations of the huge cosmic entities, whose manifested bodies are the great Solar Systems existing both in Nebulae as well as in the Dense formations.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0008_layer-4The Secrets of Cosmic Energy Portals “Nakshatras” Vol II

This book called The Secrets of Cosmic Energy Portals “Nakshatras” – Volume II, will give the reader an insider look and understanding of the deep esoteric knowledge about the cosmic energy portals which are established upon the ecliptic in the heavens, and are known as the “Nakshatra’s. These Nakshatras existing as the cosmic vortex of energies emanate from them the cosmic energy radiations, which come into manifestation due to the continuous cosmic consciousness expansion process of their solar systems, also known as the “Transmutation” process of the huge cosmic entities, whose manifested bodies are these great Solar Systems existing both in Nebulae as well as in the Dense formations existing in these cosmic energy portals.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0009_layer-9The Esoteric Collections

Although the science and technology has much advanced in the last few hundred years, which all humanity of planet earth has willingly accepted with open arms, the indwelling personality nature of the evolving human beings have continued their age old selfish nature based on prejudice, due to their unwilling to give up age old beliefs and established orders, which is unfortunately an attribute of so called false pride, which is due to their polarization of evolving consciousness in the emotional plane of feelings and desires known as the Astral Plane [Kama Manas].

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0010_layer-8The Esoteric Collections Book II

This book of “The Esoteric Collections” – Part II came to be in existence as the previous Part –I could not contain all the esoteric articles, which I wished to, compile in that book, so I decided to compile the remaining articles in this second book which happens to be the 12th book in the esoteric knowledge series written by me. Although the science and technology has much advanced in the last few hundred years, which all humanity of planet earth has willingly accepted with open arms, the indwelling personality nature of the evolving human beings have continued their age old selfish nature based on prejudice, due to their unwilling to give up age old beliefs and established orders, which is unfortunately an attribute of so called false pride, attachments and greed, and which exists due to their polarization of evolving consciousness in the emotional plane of feelings and desires known as the Astral Plane [Kama Manas].

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0012_layer-12The Esoteric Collections Book III:
The Magical Keys of Solomon

This book of “The Esoteric Collections” – Part III came to be in existence as the previous Part –II could not contain all the esoteric articles, which I wished to, compile in that book, so I decided to compile the remaining articles in this third book which happens to be the 13th book in the esoteric knowledge series written by me. Although the science and technology has much advanced in the last few hundred years, which all humanity of planet earth has willingly accepted with open arms, the indwelling personality nature of the evolving human beings have continued their age old selfish nature based on prejudice, due to their unwilling to give up age old beliefs and established orders, which is unfortunately an attribute of so called false pride, attachments and greed, and which exists due to their polarization of evolving consciousness in the emotional plane of feelings and desires known as the Astral Plane [Kama Manas].

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0013_layer-11The Esoteric Collections Book IV:
The Magical Keys of Solomon

This book of “The Esoteric Collections” – Part IV came to be in existence as the previous Part –III could not contain all the esoteric articles, which I wished to, compile in that book, so I decided to compile the remaining articles in this second book which happens to be the 14th book in the esoteric knowledge series written by me.


The Esoteric Collections Book V:
The Magical Keys of Solomon

This book of “The Esoteric Collections” – Part III came to be in existence as the previous Part –II could not contain all the esoteric articles, which I wished to, compile in that book, so I decided to compile the remaining articles in this third book which happens to be the 13th book in the esoteric knowledge series written by me. Although the science and technology has much advanced in the last few hundred years, which all humanity of planet earth has willingly accepted with open arms, the indwelling personality nature of the evolving human beings have continued their age old selfish nature based on prejudice, due to their unwilling to give up age old beliefs and established orders, which is unfortunately an attribute of so called false pride, attachments and greed, and which exists due to their polarization of evolving consciousness in the emotional plane of feelings and desires known as the Astral Plane [Kama Manas].

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0018_layer-15The Esoteric Collections Book VI :
The Advanced & Complex
Keys of Solomon

Unknown to many, the so called Great magicians of this world, the Great Wise ‘’King Solomon’’ who being a humble servant of the ‘’Most high’’ and an upholder of ‘’True Justice’’ based upon the Universal Law, “Will To Do Good” whom as per the holy Bible, the Lord God called himself “As His Own Son” [1 Chronicles 17.13], was a practitioner of only the ‘’Divine Light White Magic’’, but after his passing away from this world, the corrupt invisible demonic entities through their henchmen made ‘’Nonsense Books’’ falsely in his name dealing with gruesome blood and other heinous black magic rituals. The Great Wise King Solomon made 3 sets of Magical Keys during his 40 year reign, which he named as the [1] Simple Magical Keys, [2] Advanced Magical keys and [3] the Complex Magical Keys, which were beneficial to ward off all ‘’Evil’’ for the safe keeping of all those beings, who faithfully served performing their various incarnated roles, during their cyclic existence upon this planet earth.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0015_layer-14The Esoteric Collections Book VIII: The Magical Wisdom of Solomon

This 17th book named as “The Esoteric Collections – The Magical Wisdom of Solomon – Book VII” is an important book, which contain some of the evolutionary wisdom long forgotten upon this planet earth , which still exists in the ‘’Universal Ethereal library’’, which includes the divine wisdom of the Great Prophet King Solomon. This book contain various outlines and glimpses of the valuable information, which has been previously unknown to many, and are mostly related to the unrevealed history of the human Root races, as well their sub and branch races, who for eons are evolving upon this planet earth as the incarnated members of various casts and creeds, for their gradual conscious expansion according to the evolutionary plan, which is based upon the universal law of ‘’will to do good’’.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0017_layer-18The Esoteric Collections :
Esoteric Tidbits

This Spiritual Book Named “The Esoteric Tidbits” has come into Manifestation as a Culmination of Various Esoteric Articles, which were Separately Written by Me During the Writings as well as Completion of My Earlier Books, which were Completed and Published in USA, after a Great Resistance by the Most Corrupt Invisible Beings and Entities of the Universe who are Illegally Present upon the 3 Dimensional Planes of this Planet Earth, which are Collectively Known in Sanskrit as ‘’TRILOKA’’ Meaning ‘’Three Dimensional World’’, and these 3 Dimensional Planes Collectively Exist as an Important Part of the ‘’COSMIC SEGMENT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS’’ Known to Exalted Conscious SEERS and SAGES as the ‘’DHARAM KHANDD’’.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0016_layer-13The Higher Self & Lower Self

This book named as “The Higher Self and the Lower Self”, provides the ‘’questioning reader’’ those important pieces of information, which ‘’Awakens’’ or add on more ‘’Vital Conscious Energy Vibrations’’ to the evolving ‘’Embodied Consciousness’’ of the incarnated ‘’form container’’, known in Sanskrit language as a ‘’Kosha’’, which is commonly referred to as the ‘’physical body’’ of conscious existence, having a ‘’’given name’’, which is provided after ‘’incarnation’’ by the family elders upon this physical plane of planet earth, in most cases by the caring and loving ‘’Parents’’, who perform the ‘’Name Giving Ritual’’.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0019_layer-17The Secret of the Breast Plate

This Particular Book named ‘’The Secret of Breast Plate ‘’ by the Grace of the MOST HIGH came in Existence, as One Very Important Key Pertaining to the ‘’Secret of the Breast Plate’’ was somehow left out from my earlier books, which are related to the Wisdom of the Famous Prophet King Solomon, the ‘’Chosen Son of GOD’’, and the Wisest King of the Israelite’s as mentioned in ‘’1 Chronicles 17.13’’ of the Holy Bible. To properly explain the Importance of this Holy Key, which holds the ‘’Secrets of the Breast Plate’’ which had been worn by the High Priest of Israelite’s since AARON’s Time, as per the Command of the MOST HIGH, it was required for me to go in details of Other Various Spiritual Aspects, which are clearly mentioned in the various chapters of the Holy Bible, which include both the Old and the New Testaments, as the Chapters of the New Testament in reality Mirrors the Holy Wisdom of the OLD TESTAMENT, which is contained in its various chapters.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0020_layer-16Amrit Vela Sach Naao : Book I
The Morning Twilight Period of
True Name, having
Ambrosia Nectar of Immortality

This Spiritual Book Named “AMRIT VELA SACH NAAO’’ came into Existence After Completion of My Earlier Books, which were Completed and Published in USA, after a Great Resistance Caused by the Most Corrupt Invisible Demonic Beings and Entities of the Universe, known by ‘’Various Titles and Names’’ in All Languages, Faiths, and Cultures, who are Illegally Present in this Physical World and also Deceitfully Controlling the 3 Dimensional Planes of this Planet Earth Against the ESTABLISHED EVOLUTIONARY ORDER [HUKAM] of the TRUE SUPREME LORD GOD [SACHA SAHIB], which are Collectively Known as the THREE DIMENSIONAL WORLDS, or in SANSKRIT as ‘’TRILOKA’’ or ‘’TARIBHAVAN’’ in PUNJABI, and these 3 Dimensional Planes Collectively Exist as an Important Part of the ‘’COSMIC SEGMENT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS’’ IN THE INFINITE UNIVERSE, Known to Exalted Conscious SEERS and SAGES as the ‘’DHARAM KHANDD’.

screen-shot-2016-08-17-at-10_0000s_0021_layer-19Amrit Vela Sach Naao : Book II
The Morning Twilight Period of
True Name, having
Ambrosia Nectar
of Immortality

This Spiritual Book Named “AMRIT VELA SACH NAAO’’ came into Existence After Completion of My Earlier Books, which were Completed and Published in USA, after a Great Resistance Caused by the Most Corrupt Invisible Demonic Beings and Entities of the Universe, known by ‘’Various Titles and Names’’ in All Languages, Faiths, and Cultures, who are Illegally Present in this Physical World and also Deceitfully Controlling the 3 Dimensional Planes of this Planet Earth Against the ESTABLISHED EVOLUTIONARY ORDER [HUKAM] of the TRUE SUPREME LORD GOD [SACHA SAHIB], which are Collectively Known as the THREE DIMENSIONAL WORLDS, or in SANSKRIT as ‘’TRILOKA’’ or ‘’TARIBHAVAN’’ in PUNJABI, and these 3 Dimensional Planes Collectively Exist as an Important Part of the ‘’COSMIC SEGMENT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS’’ IN THE INFINITE UNIVERSE, Known to Exalted Conscious SEERS and SAGES as the ‘’DHARAM KHANDD’.

The Holy Sage Agathiyar /Agastya
Book I

Only a HANDFUL Few of those Important Documents, were Vitally SELECTED from the GREAT WORKS of the VENERABLE SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA MUNI, Which are Vitally Appropriate for the Current Cyclic Time of this Evolutionary Planet Earth, which by my HUMBLE UNDERTAKINGS, have taken the Final SHAPE of these BOOKS Titled ‘THE HOLY SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA – BOOK I, II, III, IV & V. Also included are Holy Sage AGATHIYAR’S / AGASTYA’S Enlightening comments, during his venerable discourses upon verses of the ancient Bhagwad Geeta epic narrated by Krishna during the Mahabharata War.

The Holy Sage Agathiyar /Agastya
Book II

Only a HANDFUL Few of those Important Documents, were Vitally SELECTED from the GREAT WORKS of the VENERABLE SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA MUNI, Which are Vitally Appropriate for the Current Cyclic Time of this Evolutionary Planet Earth, which by my HUMBLE UNDERTAKINGS, have taken the Final SHAPE of these BOOKS Titled ‘THE HOLY SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA – BOOK I, II, III, IV & V. Also included are Holy Sage AGATHIYAR’S / AGASTYA’S Enlightening comments, during his venerable discourses upon verses of the ancient Bhagwad Geeta epic narrated by Krishna during the Mahabharata War.

The Holy Sage Agathiyar /Agastya
Book III

Only a HANDFUL Few of those Important Documents, were Vitally SELECTED from the GREAT WORKS of the VENERABLE SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA MUNI, Which are Vitally Appropriate for the Current Cyclic Time of this Evolutionary Planet Earth, which by my HUMBLE UNDERTAKINGS, have taken the Final SHAPE of these BOOKS Titled ‘THE HOLY SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA – BOOK I, II, III, IV & V. Also included are Holy Sage AGATHIYAR’S / AGASTYA’S Enlightening comments, during his venerable discourses upon verses of the ancient Bhagwad Geeta epic narrated by Krishna during the Mahabharata War.

The Holy Sage Agathiyar /Agastya
Book IV

Only a HANDFUL Few of those Important Documents, were Vitally SELECTED from the GREAT WORKS of the VENERABLE SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA MUNI, Which are Vitally Appropriate for the Current Cyclic Time of this Evolutionary Planet Earth, which by my HUMBLE UNDERTAKINGS, have taken the Final SHAPE of these BOOKS Titled ‘THE HOLY SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA – BOOK I, II, III, IV & V. Also included are Holy Sage AGATHIYAR’S / AGASTYA’S Enlightening comments, during his venerable discourses upon verses of the ancient Bhagwad Geeta epic narrated by Krishna during the Mahabharata War.

The Holy Sage Agathiyar /Agastya
Book V

Only a HANDFUL Few of those Important Documents, were Vitally SELECTED from the GREAT WORKS of the VENERABLE SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA MUNI, Which are Vitally Appropriate for the Current Cyclic Time of this Evolutionary Planet Earth, which by my HUMBLE UNDERTAKINGS, have taken the Final SHAPE of these BOOKS Titled ‘THE HOLY SAGE AGATHIYAR / AGASTYA – BOOK I, II, III, IV & V. Also included are Holy Sage AGATHIYAR’S / AGASTYA’S Enlightening comments, during his venerable discourses upon verses of the ancient Bhagwad Geeta epic narrated by Krishna during the Mahabharata War.